Sunday, June 15, 2008

Diego Rivera paintings

Diego Rivera paintings
Don Li-Leger paintings
windmill-vender, with his big wheel of whirring splendor. It spun round in a blaze like a whirling rainbow, and the sun gleamed upon it, and the wind whipped it, until it seemed a maze of spattering diamonds. "Coquerico!" crowed the golden cock on the top of the stadhuis. "That is something worth crowing for." But the little boy did not hear him; he was sobbing over the crumpled bit of paper on the floor. I READ a book With a golden name, Written in blood On a leaf of flame. And the words of the book Were clothed in white, With tiger colors Making them bright. The sweet words sang Like an angel choir, And their purple wings Beat the air to fire. Then I rose on my bed, And attended my ear, And the words sang carefully So I could hear. The dark night opened Like a silver bell, And I heard what it was The words must tell: "Heaven is good. Evil is Hell." The night shut up Like a silver bell. But the words still sang, And I listened well. I heard the tree-winds Crouch and roar, I saw green waves On a stony shore. I saw blue wings In a beat of fire. My hands clutched the feathers

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