Thursday, October 25, 2007

Famous artist painting

Famous artist painting
"One could see that. Funny what a taste old ladies have for any kind of society, however dull. And, really, nothing could be duller than Rutherford Hall. Two days here is about as much as I can stand. How do you manage to stick it out, Lucy? Don't mind if I call you Lucy, do you?"
"Not at all. I don't find it dull. Of course with me it's not a permanency."
"I've been watching you - you're a smart girl, Lucy. Too smart to waste yourself cooking and cleaning."
"Thank you, but I prefer cooking and cleaning to the office desk."
"So would I. But there are other ways of living. You could be a freelance."
Famous artist painting
"I am."
"Not this way. I mean, working for yourself, pitting your wits against –"
"Against what?"
"The powers that be! All the silly pettifogging rules and regulations that hamper us all nowadays. The interesting thing is there's always a way round them if you're smart enough to find it. And you're smart. Come now, does the idea appeal to you?"
Lucy manoeuvred the car into the stableyard.
"Not going to commit yourself?"
Famous artist painting


Anonymous said...

Famous artist painting

Anonymous said...

Famous artist painting

Anonymous said...

Famous artist painting