Thursday, January 3, 2008

monet painting

monet painting
claude monet painting
mona lisa painting
canvas painting
And they've justreported it. took their time about it, didn't they?"
  "Well, I think there was a general idea the he'd turn up."
  "Any idea what'sbehind it?" asked Father. "Has adecent God-fearing man suddenly gone off with one of the churchwardens' wives? Or does he do a bit of secret drinking, or has he embezzled churchfunds? Or is he the sort of absent-minded old chap who goes in for this sort of thing?"
  "Well, from all I can hear, sir, I should say thelatter. He's done it before."
  "What – disappearedfrom a respectable West End hotel?"
oil painting
  "No, not exactly that, but he's not always returned home when he was expected. Occasionally he's turned up to stay with friends on a day when they haven't asked him, or not turned on the date when they had asked him. That sort ofthing."
  "Yes," said Father. "Yes. Well that sounds very nice and natural and according to plan, doesn't it? when exactly did you say he disappeared?"
  "Thursday. November 19th. He wassupposed to be attending a congress at –” He bent down andstudies some papers on his desk. “– oh yes, Lucerne. Societyof Biblical Historical Studies. That's the English translationof it. I think it's actually a German society."


Anonymous said...

monet painting

Anonymous said...

monet painting