Thursday, January 17, 2008

leonardo da vinci mona lisa

leonardo da vinci mona lisa
leonardo da vinci painting
leonardo da vinci the last supper
If something very pleasant should happen now, we should think it a delightful month,' said Beth, who took a hopeful view of everything, even November. ¡¡¡¡`I dare say; but nothing pleasant ever does happen in this family,' said Meg, who was out of sorts. `We go grubbing along day after day, without a bit of change, and very little fun. We might as well be in a treadmill.' ¡¡¡¡`My patience, how blue we are!' cried Jo. `I don't much wonder, poor dear, for you see o
oil painting
ther girls having splendid times, while you grind, grind, year in and year out. Oh, don't I wish I could manage things for you as I do for my heroines! You're pretty enough and good enough already, so I'd have some rich relation leave you a fortune unexpectedly; then you'd dash out as an heiress, scorn everyone who has slighted you, go abroad and come home my Lady Something, in a blaze of splendour and elegance.'

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