Thursday, January 3, 2008

Charity painting

Charity painting
Christ In The Storm On The Sea Of Galilee
Dance Me to the End of Love
Evening Mood painting
"How should I know? He certainly talked aboutbeing there. Yes, now I remember. He was expected. Several people remarked on his absence.Thought he might have had a chill or something. Very treacherous weather." He was about to revert to his criticisms of his fellow scholars butArchdeacon Simmons rang off.
  He had got a fact but it was a fact that for thefirst time awoke in him an uneasy feeling. Canon Pennyfather had not been at the LucerneConference. He had meant to go to that conference. It seemed very
oil painting
extraordinary to theArchdeacon that he had not been there. He might, of course, have taken the wrong plane,though on the whole B.E.A. were pretty careful of you and shepherded you away from suchpossibilities. Could Canon Pennyfather have forgotten the actual day that he was going tothe conference? It was always possible, he supposed. But if so where had he gone instead?
  He addressed himself now to the air terminal. Itinvolved a great deal of patient waiting and being transferred from department todepartment. In the end he got a definite fact. Canon Pennyfather had booked as a passengeron the 21.40 plane to Lucerne on the 18th but he had not been on the plane.


Anonymous said...

Charity painting

Anonymous said...

Charity painting