Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rene Magritte The Empire of Light painting

Rene Magritte The Empire of Light paintingRene Magritte The Big Family paintingRene Magritte Primevere painting
reasoning mind, which desires freedom.
In the same way, the efforts of the Aq to explain or justify their building and their Building all invoke a necessity which doesn't seem all that necessary and use reasons which meet themselves coming around. We go stone faring because we have always done it. We go to Riqim because the best stone is there. The Building is on the Mediro because the ground's good and there's room for it there. The Building is a great undertaking, which our children can look forward to and our men and women can work together on. The stone faring brings people from all our villages together. We were only a poor scattered people in the old days, but now the Building shows that there is a great vision in us. —All these reasons make sense but don't convince, don't satisfy.

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