Sunday, July 6, 2008

Steve Hanks Blending Into Shadows Sheets painting

Steve Hanks Blending Into Shadows Sheets painting
William Bouguereau The Rapture of Psyche painting
Do you like Billy?" asked Jane bluntly.
"Why -- why -- yes, I like him, of course," gasped Anne, wondering if she were telling the literal truth. Certainly she did not DISlike Billy. But could the indifferent tolerance with which she regarded him, when he happened to be in her range of vision, be considered positive enough for liking? WHAT was Jane trying to elucidate?
"Would you like him for a husband?" asked Jane calmly.
"A husband!" Anne had been sitting up in bed, the better to wrestle with the problem of her exact opinion of Billy Andrews. Now she fell flatly back on her pillows, the very breath gone out of her. "Whose husband?"
"Yours, of course," answered Jane. "Billy wants to marry you. He's always been crazy about you -- and now father has given him the upper farm in his own name and there's nothing to prevent him

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