Thursday, March 20, 2008


the last supper painting
picture of the last supper
her handkerchief over her lips, as if to
smooth away the involuntary smile that curled them; she gave the
order, however, and when the first class could take in what was
required of them, they obeyed. Leaning a little back on my bench, I
could see the looks and grimaces with which they commented on this
manoeuvre: it was a pity Mr. Brocklehurst could not see them too; he
would perhaps have felt that, whatever he might do with the outside of
the cup and platter, the inside was further beyond his interference
than he imagined.
oil paintings
He scrutinised the reverse of these living medals some five
minutes, then pronounced sentence. These words fell like the knell
of doom-
'All those top-knots must be cut off.'

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