Thursday, January 10, 2008

leonardo da vinci painting

leonardo da vinci painting
leonardo da vinci the last supper
mona lisa painting
   "Not Harriet's equal!" exclaimed Mr. Knightley loudly and warmly; and with calmer asperity, added, a few moments afterwards, "No, he is not her equal indeed, for he is as much her superior in sense as in situation. Emma, your infatuation about that girl blinds you. What are Harriet Smith's claims, either of birth, nature o
oil painting
r education, to any connexion higher than Robert Martin? She is the natural daughter of nobody knows whom, with probably no settled provision at all, and certainly no respectable relations. She is known only as parlour-boarder at a common school. She is not a sensible girl, nor a girl of any information. She has been taught nothing useful, and is too young and too simple to have


Anonymous said...

leonardo da vinci painting

Anonymous said...

leonardo da vinci painting