Thursday, October 25, 2007

Modern Art Painting

Modern Art Painting
shall be leaving early in the morning," he explained, "but I want to tell you how struck I have been by your ability."
"Thank you," said Lucy, feeling a little surprised.
"I feel that your talents are wasted here – definitely wasted."
"Do you? I don't."
At any rate, he can't ask me to marry him, thought Lucy. He's got a wife already.
Modern Art Painting
"I suggest that having very kindly seen us through this lamentable crisis, you call upon me in London. If you will ring up and make an appointment, I will leave instructions with my secretary. The truth is that we could use someone of your outstanding ability in the firm. We could discuss fully in what field your talents would be most ably employed. I can offer you, Miss Eyelesbarrow, a very good salary indeed, with brilliant prospects. I think you will be agreeably surprised."
His smile was magnanimous.
Lucy said demurely:
"Thank you, Mr. Crackenthorpe, I'll think about it."
Modern Art Painting


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Modern Art Painting

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Modern Art Painting

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Modern Art Painting