Thursday, October 25, 2007

Gustav Klimt Painting

Gustav Klimt Painting
You know," said Cedric, reprovingly, "you shouldn't go about thinking everyone wants to marry you. You're quite a good-looking girl but not as good-looking as all that. There's a name for that sort of thing - it grows on you and you get worse. Actually, you're the last girl in the world I should care to marry. The last girl."
"Indeed?" said Lucy. "You needn't rub it in. perhaps you’d prefer me as a stepmother."
"What's that?" Cedric stared at her stupefied.
"You heard me," said Lucy, and went into her room and shut the door.
Gustav Klimt Painting
Dermot Craddock was fraternising with Armand Dessin of the Paris Prefecture. The two men had met on one or two occasions and got on well together. Since Craddock spoke French fluently, most of their conversation was conducted in that language.
"It is an idea only," Dessin warned him, "I have a picture here of the corps de ballet – that is she, the fourth from the left - it says anything to you, yes?"
Inspector Craddock said that actually it didn't. A strangled young woman is not easy to recognise, and in this picture all the young women concerned were heavily made up and were wearing extravagant bird headdresses.Gustav Klimt Painting


Anonymous said...

Gustav Klimt Painting

Anonymous said...

Gustav Klimt The Kiss

Anonymous said...

Gustav Klimt Painting